The purpose of the Student Council in Scoil San Treasa
Scoil San Treasa believes the students play an important role in the running of our school. Through the Student Council, pupils play a more active role in the organisation of our school. Discussions in classes and at Student Council meetings help to develop social and learning skills in many areas including speaking and listening, problem solving, brainstorming and the decision-making process.

The role of the Student Council
The role of the Student Council is to:
- help improve school life for everybody.
- act as the voice of the students.
- act as a channel of communication within the school organisation between pupils, school and home.
- encourages pupils to organise events and to represent the school in a positive way during these events.
The election process
Each year, students from 3rd-6th Class are invited to nominate themselves for a place on the Student Council. Prior to the election nominees are invited to canvass and engage in debates with other candidates in their class. An election is then held in each class and two representatives from each class are awarded a seat on the Student Council for the duration of that academic year. The elected pupils are required to be active participants in the Student Council, to attend meetings regularly, participate in activities and be a role model for other students.
Student Council Meetings
The Student Council meets once or twice a month. These meetings are facilitated by Ms McNerney. Prior to the meetings, the Student Council representatives collect ideas and suggestions from all classes through our suggestion boxes for the agenda. Ms McNerney may put forward topics to discuss or upcoming events in the school which the Student Council may need to be involved in. From this meeting Student Council members may be given tasks to carry out. Members are also asked to report back to the student body on the outcome of our meetings. The Student Council notice board will have regular updates.
Student Council 2024-2025

Student Council Update
On Thursday 5th December we held our Student Council elections in Scoil San Treasa. Well done to all the candidates who put themselves forward and made a tremendous effort with their elections posters. We all enjoyed the run up to the elections and now with our new committee formed we look forward to our first Student Council meeting in the New Year.