Welcome to our STEM page. Here we will keep you up to date with STEM activities throughout the school. We enjoy Science, Technology, Maths and Engineering tasks in our school. In 2023, the STEM Committee organised lots of activities for our students which helped us to earn a Gold Badge Award from the Discover Primary Science and Maths programme.
Maths Week 2023
We celebrated Maths Week on the 16th-20th October. We used our maths skills in lots of fun and interesting tasks. We had an estimation competition, a maths art competition, and 5th &6th class helped the other classes with various maths games and puzzles. We then finished off the week with a maths trail. Have a look at some photos from the week below.
The winners from the Maths art and estimation competitions were announced at assembly and the winners were presented with certificates and got to choose a friend to have extra yard time with. Here are the winner maths art pieces.