Welcome to our STEM page. Here we will keep you up to date with STEM activities throughout the school. We enjoy Science, Technology, Maths and Engineering tasks in our school.
Our 2nd class have been very busy discovering how to code, we have created a short program that shows a swimming pool scene. We have also been working hard to create a fun maths game called “Maths Man” to help our class mates practice their tables.

Science Week 2024
5th&6th class did experiments with all the classes on Thursday. We did the coke and mentos experiment, skittles and cloud in a jar experiments. We also made oobleck and made circuits. It was great fun!

Guest Speaker
Gordon Kelly gave us a wonderful talk about Bee keeping. We learned so much about bees and how they make honey. We even got to taste some honey his bees had made.

Body Scavenger Hunt

Maths Week 2024
We celebrated Maths Week on the 14th-18th October. We used our maths skills in lots of fun and interesting tasks. Throughout the week each class worked on activities from the 5 Maths Strands; Number, Measures, Shape and Space, Algebra and Data. Check out the photos below to see what each class got up to.
Junior and Senior Infants
Monday – Number
On Monday we created sets of people on the soft area and we counted the number of people in each set. We then completed a Maths Trail where we had to find different amounts of objects and make some shapes with them.

Tuesday – Measures
On Tuesday we explored measures. We measuring things in our classroom using cubes, links and measuring snakes. We played with clocks and money and we measured the weight of different objects.

Wednesday – Shape and Space
Today we made our own Shape Monsters using 2D Shapes.

Today we gathered data on how many boys and girls are in our class and what some of our favourite treats are. We then gathered data on the different colour Smarties found in the Smarties tubes.

1st&2nd Class
Monday – Measures
Today we did some free exploration of different measurement tools. We also incorporated some measurements into our P.E. as we tried to jump a meters length, investigated how many times we could run a short distance in two minutes, and tossed beanbags to tip a scales.

Tuesday – Shape and Space
On Tuesday we went on a walk around our school grounds to find out what 2D and 3D shapes our environment is made up of.

Wednesday – Data and Chance
On Wednesday we completed some maths art. We rolled the dice to decide what colour we should use and found out which numbers we were most likely and least likely to roll. We also looked at comparing the number of shapes coloured different colours.

Thursday – Algebra
On Thursday we had lots of fun exploring shape, colour and number patterns on our iPads.

Friday – Number
On Friday we enjoyed playing number based board games that explored the concept of addition and subtraction.

3rd&4th Class
Monday- Shape and Space
We started off maths we exploring shape and space. We talked about different 2D and 3D shapes. In groups the children collected as many different shaped objects and presented them to the class after.
Tuesday- Data
We talked all about data today. The children discussed different types of data collection. They individually collected data in the classroom and represented it on their own bar charts.

We created patterns in pairs outside. When they were finished they had to finish other children’s patterns they created.

5th&6th Class
Monday – STEM workshops in St. Mary’s Secondary School
We started off Maths week by attending many different STEM workshops in St Mary’s Secondary School in Edenderry. We got to explore different sounds in Music and play the Boomwhackers and ukuleles! We then moved to the science lab where we investigated the different colours that are inside various coloured markers, while also testing the pH of different liquids! Artificial intelligence was so cool, it showed us how similar we were to different people in our class and we also got to play dress up to see if it made a difference to our result! Lastly, we went to the Tech-Graph room and we built something with Lego and then got to use a software to build our object on the laptop. We all had a great day out!

Tuesday – Algebra
We made nature patterns and then we made patterns with chalk! When e made our patterns, we went around and completed other people’s patterns by finding what sequence they used.

Wednesday – Number
We chose a number and used the hundred squares, tens and units to create an abstract piece of art that ad up to our chosen number!

Thursday – Measures
We looked around the outside of the school and found different objects such as sticks that were about one metre long. We used them to estimate the length and width of the basketball court. Once we had recorded our estimations, we used the trundle wheel to measure the exact length and width.

Friday – Shape and Space
For our final day of Maths week, we used Polypad on the iPads and explored different shapes. We created images and objects with all of the shapes!