Welcome to the webpage for 5th and 6th class. Here we will keep you updated on class news and post some work from the children.
In recent news….
Autumn clear out!
We worked with Miss Kelly and Ms Parle to do a big clear out around the garden, to get it ready for the Winter. We cleaned the polytunnel and saved seeds – corncockle, poppy seeds and cornflower. We will plant these in the Spring.
We weeded the beds surrounding the cabbage, and pulled the broad beans up. There are lots of Cabbage White Butterfly caterpillars on the cabbage, so we will put some of them in the Junior Infant room, for the children to observe their life cycle.
Newspaper group
The newspaper group have been working really hard over the past month to bring your an even bigger edition than usual! We are combining our April and May editions, so will have it ready at the end of the month for you all. We work three times a week with Ms Parle and like to collaborate and use ICT when drafting and redrafting our paper.