Welcome to the webpage for 5th and 6th class. Here we will keep you updated on class news and post some work from the children.

In recent news….

Halloween Bake Sale
6th class organised and hosted a bake sale for the whole school, parents, families and friends. We had lots and lots of lovely treats on the day and we would like to thank everyone who brought something in! Also a big thank you to everyone who came along on the day, we hope you enjoyed your treats!

Halloween Art

Science Projects

We worked in groups and completed Science projects! Each project was different as each group chose a different title, however, they were all about plants and animals. We learned all about aquatic plants and animals and different plants and animals found in the desert. We also learned about pollination, photosynthesis, fungus and much more! When we completed our projects, we presented them to the class to teach each other about the topic that we were focusing on!
Saint Thérèse’s Feast Day

We celebrated St. Thérèse and learned about her life and how she always tried to do things with love and care. We learned about simplicity and love in the ordinary events of life from St. Thérèse. Her nickname was the little flower so in honour of her we went outside and draw a flower garden with chalk!
September Art
Have a look at some art we did in September!

Autumn clear out!

We worked with Miss Kelly and Ms Parle to do a big clear out around the garden, to get it ready for the Winter. We cleaned the polytunnel and saved seeds – corncockle, poppy seeds and cornflower. We will plant these in the Spring.

We weeded the beds surrounding the cabbage, and pulled the broad beans up. There are lots of Cabbage White Butterfly caterpillars on the cabbage, so we will put some of them in the Junior Infant room, for the children to observe their life cycle.
Cannonball Run

International Dot Day
We read the book ‘The Dot’ by Peter H Reynolds and created a display for International Dot Day which is celebrated on the 15th of September. International Dot Day is a global celebration of creativity, courage and collaboration. The Dot is the story of a caring teacher who dares a doubting student to trust in her own abilities by being brave enough to “make her mark”. What begins with a small dot on a piece of paper becomes a breakthrough in confidence and courage, igniting a journey of self-discovery and sharing, which has gone on to inspire countless children and adults around the globe. We hope you enjoy our Dot Day display!

Ice Cream Van!
We finished off a busy September with a surprise visit from the ice cream van organised by the PA! Thank you!

Newspaper group

The newspaper group have been working really hard since the start of the year, gathering information, photos, recipes and lots more to be included in our school newspaper. We work three times a week with Ms Parle and like to collaborate and use ICT when drafting and redrafting our paper.