Welcome to the webpage for 3rd and 4th class. Here we will keep you up to date on class news and post some work from the children.
In recent news….

Saving tomato seeds

This year, 3rd class will get a chance to grow their own tomato plants. But in Scoil San Treasa, we don’t buy these from garden centres. Instead, we save our seeds, which is a much cheaper and more sustainable way to grow our tomatoes, and they taste GREAT! We squeezed the tomatoes from last year’s plants, and dry the seeds out on a tissue. We will keep them in a dark place and, in Spring of next year, we will plant them. Nature is just magic!
Saving flower seeds

In September, we save our seeds to be planted for the following year. We saved seeds from the corncockle, which is a native Irish flower and a favourite for pollinators like bees and butterflies. We threw the seeds around our football pitch so hopefully lots of them will grow next year!
October- Halloween

Educational Trip to Farmleigh House

3rd and 4th Class preparing for their Christmas play. How the Grinch Saved Christmas

3rd and 4th have been busy starting their chess tournament.

Internet Safety Posters
3rd and 4th are working on their internet safety posters.