Welcome to the webpage for 1st and 2nd class. Here we will keep you posted on class news and post some work from the children.

In recent news…
Lemon experiment
We have been learning all about how food gives us power we tried to prove this by powering a lightbulb with a lemon. While our experiment did not manage to light the lightbulb, we did manage to do lots of hypothesising about why.

Buildings Investigation
We have had lots of fun learning about houses and homes and buildings in our locality. We took a survey to see what types of home everybody in our class lives in. We also went on a walk around our school to see what materials are used in building and we hypothesised.

Halloween Dress Up Day
There was lots of spooky, scary and very creative costumes on our dress up day.

Leaf Art
We are beginning to explore the strand of printing with our wonderful student teachers. Check out some leaf rubbings which we completed earlier this week below.

Halloween History
This week we explored some Halloween traditions. We looked traditional Halloween games like bobbing for apples and snap apple. We also looked at how people used to dress up in the past and explored the RTÉ archives to watch videos of people dressing up in the past. We tried our best to make costumes from black bin bags, check out our work below.

Exploring Autumn
We have spent lots of time exploring the autumnal trees in our school environment. We have examined the leaves and the fruit and even drew some areal maps to mark out where they are.

We have been looking at 2D shapes in maths. We have spent lots of time exploring what a 2D shape is, check out some of the work we did below.

Pumpkin Art
This month in art we are looking at all things fabric and fibre. We looked at art pumpkin sculptures made by the artist Yayoi Kusama and made our own sock and crepe paper pumpkins.

Saint Thérèse’s Feast Day
This week we celebrated St. Thérèse. We learned all about her life and how she tried to do small things with love and care. Her nickname was the little flower and in honour of her we went outside to draw a chalk flower garden.

We also made sacrifice beads. These help us to keep track of all the kind deeds we do for others.

Kandinsky Inspired Autumn Art
Check out some of our cool Kandinsky inspired art below.

Is brushing your teeth important
We conducted an experiment in our class to see why it is important to brush your teeth. We put egg shells in different types of liquids for a week and watched what happened to them. Can you guess which eggs were brushed?

Indoor planting
First class planted some marrowfat peas today and we will keep an eye on them over the next few weeks. You can just buy them in the supermarket and they are very easy to grow.

International Dot Day Art
We were very excited to celebrate international dot day a little early this week. We read the book “The Dot” by Peter H. Reynold’s and got to work creating our own dots to decorate the classroom with.

Maths Snowball Fight
Today we brought our maths learning outside to have a “snowball fight”. We wrote sums that equal 11 on a piece of paper and threw them about. When it was time we picked up a snowball and added to the list that was there.

Chitting potatoes!
Our second class are growing potatoes this year. To prepare them before putting them in the ground, we first have to chit them. We leave them in an area in the classroom that has some east facing light, and we will see what happens over the next few weeks. Sprouts should grow to about 5 cm and then we can plant them in the ground.

Cannonball Run
We were very excited on Friday morning to head out and see the supercars travelling by our school.

Picasso Inspired Art
We had lots of fun drawing ourselves in the style of Pablo Picasso and trying to make the face in our art work after.

Mistakes Help Us Grow
We really enjoyed making the best of a mistake and creating art from it. Making mistakes is a really important part of learning and we’re looking forward to seeing all the wonderful learning that comes from our mistakes this year.

Save Fred Team Work Challenge
We started the year off in a great way by playing lots of teamwork games. One of our favourite was Save Fred. We worked in groups to put our jelly snake “Fred” into his jelly lifebuoy using only paper clips to touch the jellies.